September 8, 2024

Client Server Network | Network Architecture | Client Server Architecture | Computer Networks

Client-server networks facilitate communication and resource sharing between clients, which request services or resources, and servers, which provide those services or resources. Join us as we delve into the architecture and communication model of client-server networks.

Discover how client-server networks are structured, with clients initiating requests and servers responding to those requests. Learn about the client-server network architecture, where servers host centralized resources or services accessible to multiple clients.

Explore the client-server communication model, where clients send requests to servers over a network connection, and servers process those requests and send back responses. Gain insights into the benefits of client-server networks, including scalability, centralized management, and efficient resource allocation.

Whether you’re a student studying computer networks or an enthusiast interested in network architecture, this video provides valuable insights into client-server networks.


00:00 – Namaskar Dosto!
00:27 – Client Server Network
04:30 – Example of Client Server Network
05:18 – Advantages of Client Server Network
07:16 – Disadvantages of Client Server Network
09:39 – Thanks for Watching:)

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