September 13, 2024

What is class in C++ | class in OOPs | Object Oriented Programming | C++

Classes serve as the blueprint or template for creating objects in C++, encapsulating both data (attributes) and behavior (methods) into a single entity. Join us as we explore the concept of classes in depth, understanding their significance in organizing and structuring code effectively.

Discover how classes enable programmers to model real-world entities by defining their properties and behaviors. Gain insights into the concept of data abstraction, which allows users to focus on the essential attributes and functionalities of objects while hiding unnecessary details.

Explore the relationship between classes and objects, understanding how classes act as templates for creating multiple instances of objects with similar characteristics. Learn about access specifiers such as public, private, and protected, which control the visibility of class members.

Whether you’re new to programming or already familiar with C++, this video provides valuable insights into the concept of classes and their role in object-oriented programming.


00:00 – Namaskar Dosto!
00:33 – Class in C++
04:12 – Declaration of C++ class
05:40 – Example Program of C++ class
12:04 – Thanks for Watching:)

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